Read updates and information from Cllr Chris Williams!
In recent months I have received a number of reports from residents and business owners of an increase in anti-social behaviour, alcohol related incidents outside licences premises and theft from shops. This is very concerning. Since being your County Councillor I have met regularly with the PCSO’s and expressed my wish to see more police presence within our village. Because of the recent complaints, I have this week reached out to the police. They have informed me that there were only a couple of incidents actually reported to them recently. The Police can’t deal with an incident if they are unaware and they should be your first contact regarding an incident. Therefore, I would encourage people to report any incidents of concern via 101 or online.
I am now aware that due to the increasing concerns about crime and antisocial behaviour in Saundersfoot, licensees and businesses are now trying to create a pub watch and business watch group to alert each other on social media with the aim of preventing and detecting crime and reducing antisocial behaviour. While I understand their willingness to address these issues, I would hope the police and local authority would offer leadership and advice in this regard, to ensure such schemes are lawful and effective. I honestly believe the community in Saundersfoot would welcome a meeting with the police to provide answers to their concerns and to hopefully provide reassurance for the future. I do feel a meeting with the Police, members of Saundersfoot Community Council, resident groups, licensing and established business owners to discuss the rising concerns in our village could be very productive. I have a duty to represent the concerns of the community and I will continue to do so.
Saundersfoot welcomed both Wales and Britain in Bloom judges to the village during the month of July. The weather on both days was exceptional and showed off the village extremely well. The small committee of Saundersfoot in Bloom has done an amazing job over the last six months to get to this stage. This wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated work of the volunteers around the village. Saundersfoot Community Council also played its part and the Sensory Garden continues to evolve. It is a beautiful tranquil place, much appreciated by all the judges and by its residents and visitors. I have complained in the past that the village lacks references to our coal heritage and full marks for the glass panel with an etching of the Rosalind which has recently been installed in a quiet corner of the garden. I should add that the judges were complimentary regarding street furniture in the village and congratulated all the painters for the quality of their outstanding work.
During July I sat on the planning committee when the proposed Persimmon site came through. Whilst this site was approved previously, subject to the detailed planning back in 2019/2020, it was now being brought to committee with the detail attached for the site. The proposal was for 72 properties and 24 of those will be an affordable housing provider scheme. At present this hasn’t been finalised but these 24 properties will be important to enable local residents to have a property in the village. They will consist of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom properties. There was a healthy debate raised by many of the members and I expressed my concerns regarding second homes in our community. I also stated that our local school needed to increase its numbers and that there was plenty of room for new families moving into this site. I also raised my concerns regarding the access to the proposed site and that the four properties at the top of Sandyhill shouldn’t be inconvenienced in any way. I also asked about a pavement from the site linking up with Sandyhill Rd and the top road, Moreton Rd, for access to New Hedges. I also raised the question of priority access to slow vehicles down at this location as they are entering the village. There are ongoing developments with landowners and I’m confident this will be in place when the site is under construction. The delay in this application has been very positive as NP has listened to the concerns of the local residents and there have been many changes to the original plans due to these concerns. Whilst I fully accept that not everyone welcomes a new development next to their property, it is right that they are listened to and we try to accommodate their concerns. This has been extremely difficult in weighing up all the comments and I did declare a personal interest as my brother lives in the adjoining estate, next to this proposed development. After much thought I followed the officers recommendation to support this application. This wasn’t taken lightly but I was satisfied that the village school would increase its numbers, properties at the top of Sandyhill wouldn’t be inconvenienced at the front of their properties and that local families and individuals who are desperate for somewhere to live in our village. The thought of having 24 properties available would certainly ease some of the pressure for local residents who are struggling to find property in the village.
During the last few months it’s been evident on Monday mornings that the village has had many issues with gulls ripping open black bags left outside residential and business properties. The first couple of Mondays in July have resulted in PCC coming to the village early to assist in the clear up mainly on High Street and Milford Terrace. Two premises on High Street also contributed to this by pushing their wheelie bins out on Sunday evening and due to the amount of rubbish weren’t able to close the lids properly. I did manage to speak to a few of the properties and businesses to ask if they could place rubbish in stronger sacks and cover the bins especially from a Sunday evening. The last two Mondays have been better with PCC just concentrating on their daily jobs rather than diverting their actions to individuals who don’t cover their waste correctly from the previous evening. It hasn’t been a great advert for the village when you’re going down before 6am and seeing the place full of litter. Hopefully this will continue as its never the individual who causes these problems that picks up the mess.
“We have a vaccine catch up programme coming from September, the full details will be on our website, in the surgeries for all patients to access. We have started a morning triage system which is getting some very positive feedback regarding contacts with the surgery. It means that an extra 18 patients get direct contact over the phone with the triage GP. This has proved popular and has been received very positively and has resulted in more pre-book-able appointments being available. It is really disappointing that we had an attempted arson attack on the surgery which was really distressing for all staff. We now had a hi-tech CCTV system installed, to protect the staff and its patients. It is recording 24 hours a day in all areas of the practice”.
I have asked for a full meeting in September to discuss concerns from residents and I am happy to take any issues to that meeting.
There has been much discussion over this last year regarding a bin to be put in place on The Ridgeway, especially if you’re a dog walker. During this time there has been an active travel link being constructed on Fan Rd and over the last few years I have been regularly picking this stretch of road early in the mornings. My opinion is that The Ridgeway is always clean and tidy and there isn’t much litter on this stretch of road. However, I now realise that we have an active link from the Railway station linking up with the village which is roughly 1.5 miles away. I feel that there should be a bin on this route and should be placed in an area that is accessible to PCC and pedestrians who walk this path. I have written to PCC asking them for their thoughts and if they are willing to meet on site to discuss the possibility of having a bin on the stretch of walkway to the village. Councillor Cormack and I have talked about this and we are in full agreement that PCC install a bin.
During July there have been many meetings and issues reported and I will highlight some of the jobs that I have carried out this month. I have asked PCC to cut back the hedges at Brooklands place and it’s disappointing that this still hasn’t been completed. Whilst at this location with a few residents, they raised the issues of the need to have a severe cut back and reduce the height of some of the hedge bank and trees along this path. I do believe that some areas are privately owned so will need to look into this in more detail. Residents on Sandyhill Road brought to my attention the rude graffiti that was painted on the 20mph signs as you enter the village. This has now been removed with new 20mph stickers put over the offensive pictures. I reported the drain at the entrance of the Strand as it appeared that water was leaking from the utility manhole cover on the road, with the water heading to the top of the main slip way. I reported this to Welsh Water, NRW and Pembrokeshire County Council and this was sorted immediately.
Council Tax Premium Consultation 2024, Pembrokeshire County Council is seeking your views on council tax premiums that apply for second and long term empty homes in Pembrokeshire. Considering residents’ views is an essential part of the review process. The consultation seeks your views on:
- Current Council tax premiums for second homes
- Current Council tax premiums for long term empty homes
- Whether the Council should use its discretion following Welsh Governments reform to self – catering holiday accommodation thresholds.
There was a minor incident on the bridge on Devonshire Drive when the bridge was struck by a vehicle passing through on a Saturday evening. This was reported to the correct authorities. With the Wales and Britain in Bloom judges descending on the village, this enabled me to put in some early walks around the village but also litter picking during the process. This enabled me to go out numerous times during the month to support the Saundersfoot in Bloom committee. I managed to cover the majority of roads around the community, from Sandyhill Rd to New Hedges roundabout and down to Brooklands. Another was from St. Issell’s Church up to Hean Castle and down to Coppet Hall, Ridgeway to Valley Rd up to Valley Grove caravan park , Fan Rd to Pentlepoir and down past Whitlow, Hopshill Lane, Moreton road to Ravenwood on Devonshire Drive and to the Farm shop. It is extremely disappointing to see so much litter that has been thrown from passing vehicles and an area of concern is the road coming down from Pentlepoir to the village along Fan Rd. It appears that McDonalds waste takeaway wrappers are constantly thrown out on this stretch and it might be the same individual each time. It’s also important to recognise that many others also manage to go out and litter pick their stretch of road in their community and the voluntary litter pickers who are constantly out in the village and on the beaches.
During July an issue was raised regarding residents’ concerns to the rear of the Incline, off Westfield Road. The proposal put forward by PCC is to link up the active travel link from Fan Rd and the centre of the village. Work is being carried out currently along Brooklands place to the end of Westfield Court Flats. There are proposed works to then proceed up the Incline to link up with the top of the Fan Road. There is no funding in place for this year and a consultation will have to be undertaken. Having discussed this section with local residents, I can fully appreciate their desire not to spoil this area. This is an historic site with the coal trucks coming down the incline from Bonville’s colliery on its way to Saundersfoot Harbour. Having walked on this recently with local residents, you can clearly see the old stones which were used to carry some of the rails. This site is rightly protected by Cadw and I encourage all local residents to view the old historic pictures that portray our past. Any works will be subject to Cadw’s report and I encourage anyone who has any interests or thoughts on this important stretch to write in at the appropriate time. I also appreciate that this path can get extremely wet during the winter and becomes unusable but I feel there has to be a solution that benefits everyone using it all year round.
Thank you to all the local residents and business owners who sent in or spoke with me regarding the LCW held in Saundersfoot in June. I have submitted my report/findings to PCC and will be attending a debrief meeting with PCC in September, where local members will comment on issues that might have arisen during the 3 days of the events.
During the last few months there has been some activity at a site in Saundersfoot where a lodge has been installed and connected to various utilities during the last few weeks. This escalation in activity has been brought to my attention and I have met numerous residents concerned with what’s happening opposite their properties. This has been reported to the enforcement team at National Park Authority and the enforcement team are dealing with the issues raised and will continue to update concerned residents.
During July I received emails regarding the road at Moreton to Wooden. I linked in with Councillor Jacob Williams and arranged a meeting with PCC highways manager to look at some of the issues raised by businesses and residents. The concerns were valid and we were able to sort some of them out immediately and I would like to thank Peter Morgan for arranging the white lines to be freshened up, the SLOW sign repainted and the markings clearly reinstalled outside the Farm shop. Since this work I have arranged a meeting with the Highways senior traffic & road safety engineer at PCC, which will be in August to look at some of the other points raised and I will keep you updated on these developments.
I feel a week doesn’t go by without a reference to dogs on the main Saundersfoot beach, it’s extremely disappointing to listen to the local residents’ concerns. It is annoying that these rules aren’t being observed by everyone but in life there are a small minority who feel they are entitled to do whatever they want. I have touched base with the enforcement team when calls come through, with numerous penalties handed out to those offending.
In July, I met with Morgan construction and residents of Whitlow estate, that back onto this new development. A few concerns were raised regarding the finished boundary between the new and old houses on Whitlow estate. The meeting was very positive with Morgan Construction listening to the concerns and they would put forward a solution to the issues raised.
This year’s SaundersFEST was a fantastic success with over 2500 on the field for the Saturday event which hopefully will raise lots of money for many worthwhile charities. Thanks to Rhodri Lewis and the committee and all the volunteers who ensured everyone’s safety over the two days. Thanks to Phil Baker who came down early both mornings to make sure the village was litter free.
Lastly there will be a meeting in August with numerous organisations to discuss the coal truck project for the village. In the meantime I have written to National Park Authority with the plans of the proposed project for their approval at one of the locations. Hopefully this will all be discussed in detail before I can publish the decisions from the committee.
Businesses in even more Pembrokeshire areas can now apply for funding to brighten up their properties, thanks to a Pembrokeshire County Council scheme. It aims to support businesses to improve the appearance of town centre properties and help encourage footfall. The scheme was extended to Haverfordwest and then Fishguard, Pembroke, Pembroke Dock and later, Tenby. It is now being rolled out further to St Davids, Narberth, Saundersfoot and Crymych. Saundersfoot businesses located on High Street, Cambrian Place, Milford Street, the Strand and Brewery Terrace will be eligible for this grant to enhance the look of their property.
The fund will support owners of eligible properties and tenants/leaseholders who have the written consent of the property owner. Grants can be used for the purchase of materials (primer, masonry undercoat and exterior masonry paint) or towards the cost of using a contractor. Grants will provide 80 per cent of the total capital expenditure and maximum grant award per property is £4,999. Schemes must be completed by November 2024.
For full information including details on grant eligibility and a link to apply for the scheme, please
- view the Council’s Street Enhancement Programme page on their website
- or email
This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Originally the proposed opening of the tunnels was due to take place on 12th of July. The delayed opening date is as a consequence of additional works required, mainly related to two separate facts: another slip on the Wisemans Bridge end of the path and a loaded dumper breaking through the surface of the path into a void. There was extensive work carried out with additional test holes dug to make sure the path was safe. PCC also implemented ground penetrating radar survey and all at risk locations investigated with no further voids located. This will now allow all the material that had slipped, or been removed from the cliff face to be moved along the dramway and disposed of offsite. Unfortunately with this extra workload, the opening date was pushed back to August 7th.
This has been a significant time locally and with the three rock falls the community have been impacted. All local residents appreciate this walk that is available to all abilities and it’s an important link between many communities in this part of the county. Businesses have been severely affected in Wisemans Bridge, Coppet Hall & Saundersfoot and I hope that many come to appreciate this part of the Pembrokeshire Coastal path and how badly it’s been missed since last November. I would also like to offer my appreciation to Darren Thomas and his team at Pembrokeshire County Council who have done an incredible amount of work to get the funding and the path opened as quickly and safely as possible. The communication from all the officers at PCC has been exemplary and really pleased on how they kept Councillor Cormack and I updated at all times. I would also like to offer my thanks to Mr David Lewis Hean Castle Estate who fully supported this initiative from the start. I also understand there were many complexities in this project as well as the issues of further rock falls. This is now a real positive, and hopefully we can quickly get back to the figures of 500,000 using this path over a 12 month period.
I have had numerous enquiries surrounding the new developments in Saundersfoot and the proposed Brynhir site regarding affordable housing. The first step is for the resident to have a housing application with Choice Homes. Please see here: How to Apply – ChoiceHomes Pembrokeshire. However, if they are already on the housing register, they do not need to do anything else at this stage. When the properties are nearing completion, they will go out to advert, and at this point you will be able to bid on them. There is no other application process for the properties. We are keeping track of a list of residents that would like to be included in all relevant communications regarding Brynhir, and if a resident would like to be included in this list, they can email
In my role, I have many conversations regarding accommodation in Saundersfoot, that is currently owned by PCC. It was refreshing for me to have an update on how the recent purchases, not only in Saundersfoot but across Pembrokeshire are going in this new financial year from Housing strategy and affordable housing manger. To date PCC have agreed on 34 purchases with 14 already completed. 3 of the properties agreed on, are in Saundersfoot and we have several others that are currently with Property for survey and potential offers. With the need for houses across our county, this is a very positive scheme bringing back property into ownership for the council and assisting with local residents who are struggling to find a place to live.
I have to start with Saundersfoot cricket club who are playing in the Harrison Allen final for the first time on the 31st August at Cresselly cricket club. A supporters bus will be leaving Saundersfoot sports club at 10.30am and will return to Saundersfoot at 8.30pm. Tickets can be reserved for £10 at Saundersfoot sports club. I wish all members the very best of luck, Saundersfoot is rooting for you!
The annual Ironman Wales event is to be held over the weekend of 21st/22nd September 2024 in Tenby, Saundersfoot and the south of the County, with Ironkids taking place on Saturday 21st and the main Ironman event on Sunday 22nd. As in previous years it will be necessary to introduce various traffic restrictions over the weekend to enable the set up works to take place and to ensure competitor and public safety along the route over the two days.
The attached plans give details in respect of the main road closures that are to be implemented. These details will be circulated to residents and businesses by Ironman in advance of the event through press releases and mail drops. Further details can be obtained on the Ironman Wales website – Ironman 2024 will be starting at the slightly later time of 07.30am, meaning that road closures will be in place in Saundersfoot till 7pm on the day of the event.
TENFOOT SWIM – This is a charity swim, setting off from North Beach Tenby. The TenFoot swim course follows the coast to Monkstone Beach where swimmers leave the water for a safety check and feed station. Then it is on through the gap between the rocks at Monkstone point and round the coast before crossing the entrance to Saundersfoot Harbour and then on to the finish at Coppet Hall. This will be held on September 7th
SAUNDERSFOOT TRIALTHON – This was a massive success last year due to it being held in the village on a Friday evening. The atmosphere in the village was exceptional with many local athletes taking part. This will be run on Friday 20th of September.
SAUNDERSFOOT HARBOUR – On August the 9th, Sunset cinema will be showing ‘The greatest showman’ and it’s not Wally Marr. On 17th August Tenby Male Voice Choir will be performing near the lighthouse. There will be a Pirates & Mermaids workshop at the Coastal Schooner at 10am, 11.30am and 1pm Wednesday to Sunday throughout the summer. There will also be a vintage motorbike show on Saturday September 7th.
Just to let residents know that the class 11 B4316 Pentlepoir to Saundersfoot road, near Pentlepoir – from the access to Saundersfoot Train Station, east to its junction with the Fan Road. The road will be closed on Moday 16thSeptember 2024 for 1 night commencing at 18.00 hrs. This is to repair urgent water leak repairs in the vicinity of the property known as Homecroft. Eastbound traffic will be diverted via A478 Pentlepoir to New Hedges Roundabout, Broadfield Hill, St Brides Hill, Milford Street, Church Terrace and B4316 Saundersfoot to Pentlepoir road
Westbound traffic will be diverted via B4316 Pentlepoir to Saundersfoot road, Frances Lane, Wogan Terrace, Cambrian Place, St Brides Hill, Broadfield Hill and A478 New Hedges Roundabout to Pentlepoir road.
Pedestrian access will be maintained whilst the work is carried out.
The Sunset Cinema nights are proving to be very popular with Mama Mia being a sell out. The Harbour Team would like to thank the community for their ongoing support with the events , it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces at the events. We are looking forward to the Greatest Showman on 9th August as our final cinema for the summer.
Tenby Male Voice Choir will be singing at the harbour on 17th August , supported by other entertainment and a BBQ hosted by Saundersfoot Rotary. Please come down and enjoy the afternoon. The Umbrellas at Ocean Square have now been replaced with tables and Chairs and it’s great to see how popular they are and the positive impact of the seating on the evening trade.
Works between the Saundersfoot Rail station are complete, however we will be returning to install chicanes to ensure that users reduce speeds at strategic locations along the route. And sadly a section of the installed traffic calming measures has been vandalised, with the bolted features having been forced from the carriageway surface, these will be replaced. The PRoW, known as The Incline, between the end of Brooklands Place and the trafficked section of The Incline (near to Railway Inn Cottage) has been closed to public use since week commencing 29th July, and will be diverted for potentially a total of eight weeks, this is to enable the contractors (EPCL) to complete the MUR upgrade which includes drainage improvements, a kerbed new 2.5m wide active travel pedestrian and cycle facility. This will have a final surface of tar n chip nature and be a buff coloured path to ensure it is in keeping with the rural location. We are currently advancing well and will report if the eight-week duration of closure can be reduced along this section. Following the completion of the initial phase we will be closing between Railway Inn Cottage and the junction of Westfield Court, this section will be renewed in a permeable bitmac surface. The works will then focus on alterations to the frontage of Westfield Court and the MUR uncontrolled crossing. Further works from Westfield Cottage westwards along The Incline are to be programmed following engagement with Cadw and PCC PRoW Officer; plus works to Brooklands Place. There are also additional design works to be looked at for the following locations Milford Street, the Harbour mini roundabout, Cambrian Terrace , Stammers Road and Sandy Hill Road; along with a review of the Coppet Hall to the Primary School. This will be on going and residents will be consulted on PCC proposed works.
Lastly, I would like to finish on some positive news. Councillor Cormack & I have been working with Saundersfoot Community Council over the last two years regarding the speed awareness indicators for our village. A lot of work has been completed and I’m delighted to state that the holes for the poles have been dug and the poles will be in place this coming week. Once the poles have been positioned in the three locations, The Ridgeway, Sandyhill Road and Rushy Lake, they will then need the devises to be fitted and positioned as you drive into the village. The feedback from residents over this time has been very supportive for the introduction of the devices.
Kind regards
Cllr Chris Williams
Saundersfoot South