Ladan and Jackie
Ladan Harper and Jackie Taylor
Ladan and Jackie started up Saundersfoot Connect with Sarah and Sara and are also Admin for the page.

Sarah and Sara
Sarah Whiddett & Sara Hicks
Sara and Sarah are two of the original Admin team on the Saundersfoot Connect Facebook page and run various events in the village such as Open Mic and The Saundersfoot Harbour Festival.

Brigitte Robinson is part of the Admin team and manages our membership applications.

Local Chef, Cheryl Badham, is part of the Admin team and is our ‘Chef in Residence’, posting irresistible food and drink recipes every week.

Mandy Ryan joined the Admin team as an extra pair of hands and was a god send when Admin took a break from their roles in August 2020.

Rhianydd Jones-Foster is part of the Admin team and a keen cook and is a fluent speaker of the Welsh language.
Helen Hedley is the most recent person to join the admin team.
Helen can often be found on the Guide Dogs for the Blind stand at the top of the slipway.

Andrew Lowe is a talented graphic designer from Tenby who accidentally got himself involved with the team during the Saundersfoot Harbour Festival and has never quite managed to shake us off (he even changed his email address)! He is responsible for the logo and branding.
Guy Willett
Guy Willet designed the Saundersfoot Connect website. He does all the clever technical stuff and Sara & Sarah just fill in the gaps!

Julie Davies is our ‘resident expert’ on all things to do with the beach and the sea and is a committed eco-warrior.

Tim Phillips keeps everyone up to speed with what’s going on down at the beach, and is usually found with his four-legged friend, Bob