November has been another busy month and I hope to give you all a brief account of some of the work that has been going on locally.


The Public Consultation for the proposed Active Travel layouts were held at the old Coal Office on November the 9th. I attended the morning and evening sessions and it was great to see so many local residents turning up to give their views. I would like to thank Nicola and her team at Saundersfoot Harbour for hosting the consultation along with thanks to all the PCC officers and Highway Engineers who were there throughout the day.  There were many positives from the consultation, along with some concerns from local residents regarding the proposed plans for the village. I appreciate that all residents have until the 17th of December to voice your thoughts and I encourage all residents who haven’t seen the plans yet, to do so and give your feedback, even if you’re for or against the proposals.

Over the last two years, I have been working with PCC, Highway Engineers and Hean Castle Estate to look at the feasibility of linking up Frances Road with Coppet Hall. A lot of work has gone on and I feel the plans proposed at the consultations are exciting for the village. To have an Active Travel link from Saundersfoot School to Coppet Hall, potentially, is a game changer for the village with both PCC and the landowner working together for the benefit of the community. Our Achilles heel in Saundersfoot is the lack of parking available with all three car parks recently undergoing works to improve safety and sizes and the village has lost numerous parking spaces. The proposed access link to Coppet Hall will potentially allow part of the Meadow to be opened up for village parking in the future. A proposed junction opposite the car park entrance and the potential of having an all-weather car park to host events all year round, will vastly improve the congestion and the unnecessary parking on estates in the village.  On very busy days estates such as Ragged Staff, Whitlow and Pennant Avenue are packed with cars and concerns have been raised if Emergency services are required in that area. I do believe having an all-weather grass car park would certainly help and also prevent unnecessary congestion and aimless driving looking for a space to park. 

Another issue is the potential to have café culture on Cambrian Terrace and thus remove the parking spaces in the heart of the village. I have said previously that while I think this will aesthetically look better, I had concerns with displacement of vehicles from this location. I wanted residents to have their own say and give in their thoughts.  As I have spoken to dozens of individuals over the last few weeks on this, I am now happy to give residents an update as I feel that removing spaces on Cambrian Terrace will be detrimental to our village at this time. I fully appreciate that some businesses would benefit from the proposed venture. However, all the properties benefit from outside space currently and as it’s a wide pavement, they have under a PCC licence, been able to put out extra seats along the railings outside their boundary. I also wonder how a shared cycle path and walkway will work in such a congested area if we were also to create café culture.  I feel that these spaces – Loading bay, Disabled Parking and thirty-minute bays are important to the village and they allow plenty of movement through the day. It is vital that these spaces are retained to allow residents options of parking locally and more importantly to shop locally.  Our neighbouring villages have convenient stores and parking. To remove parking from this area will drive trade from the village to these destinations. 

Since the consultation and after listening to the views of residents and businesses, I held a meeting onsite to discuss some of these concerns. The meeting was very positive and I asked the officers to look at an alternative arrangements which could improve the current access route and connectivity, whilst potentially also maintaining loading bay provision, disabled parking and short stay parking facility. I am confident that I will be able to share updates on this over the coming weeks.  I also believe that the new proposed crossing points at Milford Street are far safer for the village and having four in this space will certainly make the village safer. Whilst the removal of the current crossing point on Brewery Terrace, makes total sense under the new proposal and having six potential time limited parking spaces, together with a mixture of disabled and loading will certainly support the businesses turn over better in this location. I have also touched base with PCC on all loading bay provision within the central village area, as I feel these should be time regulated, initially being discussed to be from 8am to 6pm or other alternatives. After this time, these spaces could potentially become available for residents to use as parking.

I would like to clarify a point that has been repeatedly raised. The loading bay on Brewery Terrace is a loading bay to support businesses on Brewery Terrace, Beddoes Court, Milford Street and Cambrian Terrace. This Loading bay is on the public highway and isn’t owned by any business, It’s free to be used by anyone in accordance to its official use. Any business putting out cones has no authority and could become liable if someone was to trip and fall. 

The Consultation can be accessed, via: The online survey will remain available for 4 weeks concluding on 17th December 2024. Whilst the County Council encourages consultation responses to be made via our on-line consultation system, paper hardcopies of the designs and survey paper will remain in place until 17th  December 2024. Posted copies are available upon request by contacting the team on the above email address. 

Following on from the consultation period, final preferred option(s) would be identified. This preferred option will not be finalised until we have the feedback from the local community.

Should you have any questions regarding the proposed public consultation, please do get in touch via the email address listed above. I urge all residents to view the consultation and make representation, if they wish.

Lastly I would like to let residents know that I have dropped off 18 paper copies of the consultation form at the Regency Hall. 


Saundersfoot Medical Centre and Kilgetty Surgery

County Councillor Alistair Cameron and I recently met with staff at Saundersfoot Medical Centre as part of our regular meetings with the centre.

We discussed the appointments system at the centre and were advised that a GP triage system has been introduced. This will mean that if you need to contact a GP on the same day you will at least get a phone call from a doctor on that day. If a ‘face to face’ meeting is appropriate then this will be arranged.    

The medical centre is installing a new enhanced computer system known as EMIS. This system will enable the centre to send important text messages to patients, for instance, advising them when flu and covid jabs will be provided. It is hoped that this new system will be in place by next April / May.

The medical centre asked us to advise patients that if they are in their car park for over an hour then they must inform reception on that day (either in person or by phone) and give them their vehicle registration number in order to avoid getting a fine. Unfortunately, if they don’t inform the reception on that day it will not be possible to stop the car park enforcement firm from issuing a fine. 

Alistair and I appreciate the hard work carried out by the staff at the centre during what is a very challenging time for the NHS. If there are serious issues that you feel need to be raised with the medical centre, we would be happy to pass them on.

Lastly I will give you some figures regarding the Saundersfoot Medical Centre for the month of October. The number of booked appointments -5612, Face to Face Consultations 3159, On line Medicine requests 1137, Prescriptions items issued  28969, Number of patients issued with medication 4978 ,  Covid -19 vaccines given 476 ,  Number of new patients registered 72.


For all those local residents who are interested in the new proposed development at Brynhir, PCC want to share with you a recent video on Brynhir that was shown on our Facebook page. This video goes through the feedback and aspirations of the Brynhir development site from the community over the last few years, and how they have been incorporated into the designs. Please take a look, and feel free to share!

YouTube video:

Welsh Facebook page: Facebook

English Facebook page: Facebook


I have raised concerns regarding this event to Pembrokeshire County Council.  Long Course Weekend has been held annually in Pembrokeshire since 2010. This multi-day triathlon event, typically taking place in June/July, has been a significant success in terms of showcasing our county and promoting physical activity. However, as the event has grown in scale, it has increasingly led to disruption for residents and businesses along the course, many of whom report inconvenience or loss of trade due to road closures spanning up to three days. I recently attended a meeting at the Wisemans Bridge Inn with the Public Realm Manager along with councillors Cormack and Jordan. We were there to discuss the event in 2025 and have updates from the event organisers from our meeting in September.  At the end of the meeting, the owner Mr. Kemble wanted to give his thoughts to us all and how his businesses are impacted by this event during the last weekend in June.

Since this meeting, I was tasked in touching base, again, with businesses to gauge the impact on the wider Saundersfoot community.  While I couldn’t go round all the businesses, I did submit emails relating to over 30 businesses that were unhappy with full road closures through Saundersfoot. I have listened to their concerns over the last two years and this has evidently grown after this year’s event where the village has been described as a ghost town. From all the businesses that submitted emails, they all expressed concerns that the village was shut off and all stated that they lost revenue, while many did not open due to the event. I feel that as councillors we are there to listen to the views of residents and businesses and cannot support full road closures from Summerhill all the way to New Hedges in 2025, I feel that we have engaged with the event organisers over the last few years and that many concerns still haven’t been dealt with during this period.  We have no issue with the event, just the timing at what should be a busy time of the year and the fact that Saundersfoot and other communities are totally cut off from access. I do have a meeting planned with Activity Wales next week.   


The weather has impacted our village with storms and torrential weather at times. This has resulted in many calls due to issues locally and I have been trying to chase some of these jobs. It was great to see that the pavements coming down from Bevelin Hall have been power washed and the leaves removed. The pavement was inaccessible due to the amount of moss and leaves and, in fact, the road was safer to walk down. I have reported a broken manhole at the junction joining the Ridgeway from Milford Terrace. The manhole is right on the corner and it’s surprising how many vehicles are driving over it. I have also reported a bollard at the top of the slipway that has been damaged. This has caused the flag stones to raise and could be dangerous. Twenty yards from this point there is a raised cobble on the road on the Strand. There have been recent works and this cobble is sticking out and could also cause potential issues.  I have also highlighted overgrowth on the left hand side going up St Brides hill and delighted to report that this has been already sorted. There is always an issue with leaves during heavy rains at the bottom end of Hopshill lane where it meets Westfield Road. I am in regular contact with residents on this and happy to report that PCC have sent the sweeper on two occasions this month to clear. I must also thank PCC for sweeping clean the roads at St Issells church for Remembrance Sunday. Many thanks to the Cope family for allowing use of the caravan park for people to park.

I have spoken to the Highways engineers who have been dealing with the Fan Road active travel link regarding a few outstanding jobs/issues.  The yellow box still hasn’t been painted on the junction with Valley Rd. This is to prevent access being blocked from cars travelling along Fan Road with the intention of turning right onto Valley Road. At times, cars are waiting for oncoming vehicles to proceed along Fan Rd not realising they have blocked the access. I have been assured that this will be painted in the coming weeks.  Further, when you’re at the new Fan Road junction it is difficult to see oncoming traffic in the dip heading up from St Issells church because of the vegetation growth. PCC are looking into an alternative plan so access is visible at all times. Lastly, I have raised the point regarding lighting along this new active travel link. Currently, there are no plans to install any lighting along this shared access route but PCC will monitor this shared use path in the future.  I would also like to update residents on two issues that have been raised with me to PCC over the last twelve months. The bollard in the road as you drive down from Pentlepoir, under the railway bridge will be reviewed in the new year.  I have been assured from PCC highway engineers, that they will look at this and look to see if this can be improved due to the concerns raised. Lastly in the summer I reported on the speed of traffic on the Moreton road and asked for a review from the Senior Traffic & Road Saftey Engineer at Pembrokeshire County Council. I have had conformation that we will be meeting before Christmas to look at the findings. As soon as I have had this meeting, I will update residents immediately.

We have talked a lot recently regarding the consultation process about the active travel link and improving access around our village. I would like to highlight that the Strand isn’t being discussed in any of these plans. I believe that this is the busiest route in the village, with the majority walking in the middle of the road, this is down to the poor state of the current pavements and at certain points the pavement isn’t usable.  There are counters that monitor pedestrian traffic and the numbers between Coppet Hall and Wisemans Bridge in 2022, was over 900,000. This is an important link in the village and provides access to our neighbouring communities Coppet Hall and Wisemans Bridge. More importantly it’s on the flat and is disabled friendly as long as you’re on the road.  I would like the residents to give me your thoughts and possibly add them to any feedback surrounding the recent consultation.


I was privileged to attend the Remembrance Service outside St Issell’s Church. It was conducted by Father Paul and also attended by the Lord Lieutenant of Dyfed, Sharron Lusher MBE DL  and the Chair of Saundersfoot Community Council, Alec Cormack. Sincere thanks to all those who arranged this important event.


Notice is hereby given that Pembrokeshire County Council has made an Order under Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to temporarily prohibit all vehicular traffic, other than exempted vehicles, from proceeding along those lengths of adjoining road, known as The Strand and High Street (Lower), Saundersfoot.

The Order is necessary so that activities and events associated with the New Years Day Swim can take place.

The restrictions, which will be signed accordingly, will come into force on Wednesday 1st January, 2025, between 10:00hrs – 16:00hrs.

Pedestrian access will be maintained.

This Order will remain valid for one day.

Rates relief reminder for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses

A reminder is going out to businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors in Pembrokeshire to apply for rate relief.

Welsh Government announced the retail, leisure and hospitality rates relief scheme in Wales for 2024/25.

Properties that can benefit include shops, pubs and restaurants, gyms, performance venues and hotels.

Relief will be granted to eligible businesses as a reduction to the rates bill based on occupation between 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025. 

The scheme aims to provide support for eligible occupied properties by offering a discount of 40% on non-domestic rates bills.

The closing date to apply is 31st March 2025.

More information on the relief and the application form can be found on our website at:


Its show week at the Regency Hall with the fantastic Saundersfoot Footlights. This year’s production is Sleeping Beauty, there are still tickets avaible for tonight’s show and limited seats for Saturdays performance. Tickets can be bought online or on the door.

On Saturday 9th November I was invited to attend the Tenderfoot Disabilty Team Games held at the Regency Hall. This is event delivered by Saundersfoot Rotary, who train disabled participates in a variety of sports throughout the year. The culmination of the training is usually a Welsh Disabilty Games in Cardiff in November but unfortunately Sophia Gardens was unavailable this year so there was no national event. Consequently, Saundersfoot Rotary arranged their own competition and their two home based teams competed against each other for an overall team trophy. Individual awards were made to winners and competitors in every event held during the day. It was wonderful to see the spirit of the games and all the competitors and supporters cheering on every individual. Well done Saundersfoot Rotary and well done to each and every competitor for taking part. I was incredibly pleased to see everyone supporting each other and I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank the many volunteers of Saundersfoot Rotary who do an incredible job. It was disappointing to learn that the games had been cancelled this year and I have raised the option of Pembrokeshire supporting the event, to make sure they don’t miss out in the future.

There will be a Christmas Singalong for all to enjoy along with a Foodbank Collection by Saundersfoot Rotary at The Hean Castle pub on Saturday 7th December from 3-5pm.  Saundersfoot Connect are co-ordinating this afternoon during their last Coffee & Connect event of the year.

Can I remind all senior citizens that this year’s Christmas Dinner will be held on Sunday, 15th of December at 1.30pm. This event will be hosted by Saundersfoot Community Council and Tenby & District Lions. The three course dinner will be provided by the excellent Qube Group. This is available to all pensionable residents living in Saundersfoot. Please check with the Regency Hall for availability.

Cor y Mor – The choir will be singing a selection of popular songs and Christmas carols on the following dates. Wednesday 11th, 6pm in the village; Saturday 14thDecember, 10am to 12pm at Saundersfoot Sailing Club, 15th 18th & 21st will be carolling in the village (weather permitting).

On Monday 16th of December, The Gower Hotel will be hosting a Coffee & Carols event in aid of Cancer Research at 7pm, all welcome.

On December 14th, there will be a Christmas Makers Market. This will be held at the Welcome Centre, Saundersfoot Harbour and open from 10am to 4pm. They will have unique Christmas gifts, handcrafted items and much more. Entry is free and dog friendly.

Please don’t forget the Pembrokeshire Christmas Convoy which will be driving through our village just before 6pm on Saturday 14th of December 2024, raising money for Velindre Cancer Centre . Please come out and support as it drives through our village.

During November I attended a meeting of the Lonely Tree Preservation Group. This tree is Saundersfoot’s Eiffel Tower. It is iconic and a familiar landmark in the village. When there was an application to fell the tree, National Park refused permission. A group was formed to regularly monitor and maintain the tree so that it continues to stand aloof on Scar Rock. Congratulations to all the members of this group for ensuring that the tree thrives. If you have young relatives, why not get them this book for Christmas – “Wendy and Wagtail and the Welsh Whale” by Howard Jennings. It’s an illustrated story of Saundersfoot’s Lonely Tree.

New Year’s Day Swim Saundersfoot. Swim registration has now opened. On January 1st 2025, we will celebrate our 39th NYD Charity Swim. It started in 1984 with 10 swimmers and in 2024 we had a record turn out of over 2400 swimmers with a crowd of roughly nine thousand watching. The Swim has developed into an incredible spectacle and is classed by Pembrokeshire County Council as a major event. It is also the biggest festive dip in the UK and to date has raised many hundreds of thousands of pounds for Charities and worthy events since 1984. This year all swimmers who enter this event will receive a newly designed medal.

We cannot stress enough the importance of swimmers raising monies from their personal sponsorship as this makes such a big difference annually to the supported causes. 

Entry to the swim will now be made by entering online via –

Sponsor Forms can be downloaded on line or collected in person from Salt on The Strand, Saundersfoot.

Further details can be found on :- 

The NYDS website –

The NYDS Facebook page ;

or via email –

During November I was invited to attend a coffee morning organised by The Saundersfoot in Bloom Team. This event was to highlight the work that has been put in around the village over the last twelve months and to try and raise funds for the 2025 village campaign. The ladies choir Cor y Mor also performed at the coffee morning, which really added to the event. Thank you to all the volunteers for making lovely cakes.  

Reminding residents that the main tree in the Sensory garden will be turned on tonight,  6th of December, at 6pm. Thanks to the Alec and the volunteers who have worked on this for the village,  fingers crossed for some good weather.

Thank you to Saundersfoot Harbour for providing a memory tree for the village, which will be positioned outside the old coal office. Thank you also to Maggie Carter for assisting with this thoughtful idea and providing tags for the tree. Please come along at 12 oclock Friday December the 6th.

There will be a Children’s Disco and Children’s entertainer at the Hean Castle Inn Saundersfoot on December 21st, between 16.30 & 18.30pm , limited tickets will be available from the Hean and all proceeds will be donated to the Hean’s local charity.  All children will receive a present from Santa and there will be a prize for the best festive outfit.

To all residents, there will be a fireworks display this New Year’s Eve on Saundersfoot Harbour. The event will be organised by the Hean Castle Inn, please watch out for further details on this.

Saundersfoot Community Lottery

If you haven’t entered yet, you can do so through the website ( or by visiting the Regency Hall to pick up a form. Best of luck to all participants, and thank you for contributing to the community!

 Council Christmas info available on one handy webpage

With the festive season around the corner information about key council services over the Christmas and New Year holiday is now available online.

Pembrokeshire County Council’s website has updated its ‘Christmas in Pembrokeshire’ page with answers to holiday questions such as when bin collections will be and when is free parking available?

Information on opening times for the county’s leisure centres and libraries can also be found, along with winter driving tips, bus timetables, salting routes, and Christmas markets.

There are reminders of what can – and cannot – be recycled along details of Christmas tree recycling.

For all your Christmas council information head to

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year !!

Cllr Chris Williams
Saundersfoot South