During September the village held two sporting events, I will start with Iron Man along with the Saundersfoot Tri and also give you updates on the recent meeting debrief regarding the Long Course Wales event which was held during the last weekend in June.
On Friday the 20th, the village witnessed the Saundersfoot Tri. This is a well-supported Tri, bringing in thousands to the village. The atmosphere on the day was excellent and it was refreshing to see the cafés and beer gardens so busy at the end of September. Personally, I think this is a fantastic event and is good for the village as its over very quickly, while the village benefits all day. I would like to thank Dickie of Saundersfoot Sports Club, who had arranged for over 300 cars to park on the sports field. This is a good event to get people into fitness and is an achievable goal for many. The main beach, Saundersfoot Harbour and packed streets all lend itself to a fantastic location to develop this in the years ahead. My personal observations and those of others so far was, having thousands of spectators, cyclists, cars and buses on the roads at the same time has issues, however having a full village road closure would definitely help. This could be discussed with the stakeholders along with representatives of Saundersfoot Community Council, Saundersfoot Harbour, the Sports Club, Police, the Business community and local residents. The other point raised was the amount of rubbish left in the village. I’m happy to take any feedback from residents and businesses to pass on to the relevant authority.
This event has definitely highlighted both Pembrokeshire and Saundersfoot over the years in a very positive way. Having the event at the end of September works extremely well and extends the season, but also appreciate that this also causes disruption for others. The village has been busy leading up to the Iron Man. The atmosphere again in the village was excellent and St Brides Hill plays its part during a grueling bike ride. As the day progresses the spectators proceed through the village and follow the athletes up through Swallow Tree and Broadfield Hill that were exceptionally busy. Having the parking available at New Hedges roundabout is handy for the crowds that cover this steep section of the course. Unfortunately, the weather deteriorated and main parts of the village quickly cleared. I would take this opportunity to praise the officers who do such a professional job in the organisation of Iron Man and we mustn’t forget the support staff at PCC who worked incredibly hard across the county to make sure the event was cleaned up afterwards. I would welcome residents and businesses to give me feedback as it’s important to pass on this information to the officers at PCC.
This event was held during the last weekend of June and a debrief of the event has just been held. There were officers from PCC, event organisers and County Councillors whose wards supported this event in some capacity.
Since the end of the event I have had many conversations with residents and businesses to gauge their views and experiences including the impact of the road closure through the village. This also included the impact of closures from Summerhill to New Hedges. The views of all residents on this route, along with those on the Strand should be part of any debate, I feel that this has been taken for granted for far too long.
As an event organiser myself, I have always been open to new events being given the opportunity to have a positive influence on our community. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the views from persons I spoke with was that the LCW wasn’t delivering any benefit.
On the day of the bike ride I personally witnessed the centre of the village being effectively ‘fenced off’ with very few spectators watching the bike race. There were empty shops, beer gardens, car parks and empty streets that has resulted in a backlash for the event. Even St Brides Hill was noticeably quieter despite the best efforts of the Samba Doc. This was in stark contrast to the following day which saw Saundersfoot experience a very busy Sunday.
The resulting lack of footfall on LCW day is primarily down to the extensive road closures throughout the south of our county which makes access to the village difficult.
My role is to listen to its residents and businesses and work hard on forming links so that everyone benefits. I’m struggling to see the benefits of this event and will therefore work extremely hard to ensure that Saundersfoot remains fully operational next June.
I have informed officers that I cannot support road closures and will ask officers at PCC to look at an alternative route. This position has been adopted before with the residents of Angle, Narberth and more recently the businesses in Tenby town.
Other County Councillors whose wards are affected by LCW are of the same opinion in that the LCW is no longer supported in its current format and route and change is needed.
Because of the strong views expressed, the PCC Public Realm Manager agreed to consider what options were available. As soon as I get any information, I will let you know.
I have asked for a meeting with Marc Owen – Public Realm Manager and have arranged to hold a meeting in Saundersfoot on Friday the 15th of November. I will also be inviting councillor Cormack and Jordan to discuss our main concerns regarding LCW. Whilst in attendance it would be wise to discuss other events in the village that do attract high numbers to our community such as the Saundersfoot Tri and New Year’s Day Swim as examples.
I’m sure you’re aware of recent articles regarding the removal of pebbles from the beach. I put out a post in August highlighting stones being taken off the beach, then decorated and sold with the proceeds going to a charity. Many local residents have expressed their concerns as the stones are there to do a job on Saundersfoot Beach. I did have meetings with residents who stated that they have seen stones continually being taken for pebble art, ponds and to decorate gardens in the village. My aim was to highlight that it’s an offence to take Stones off a beach and an act was brought in 1948 to make this illegal. Aurther Parcell who lived at number 9, the Strand was part of a small group that worked with the old Narberth and District Council in the early 70’s to introduce stones that were transported from Carew Quarry. We also had stone brought in as ballast when they filled up with coal in the eighteen hundreds and, as a result, we have stones from all over the world on our beaches. The stone isn’t natural and it’s there to help protect the Strand homes and businesses. A meeting with all the relevant organisations to discuss rising sea levels was recently cancelled. Again, I will pass information on when I get it.
Since I’ve been in my role as County Councillor, I don’t think a month has gone by without incidents at the Glen beach. Over this time there have been numerous cars parked on the access path onto the beach. There have been cars blocking driveways and residents have been unable to access or leave their property. A lot of this stems from very low tides when there is an influx of individuals collecting razor clams and mussels off the beach and rocks. This isn’t illegal if picked for your own consumption but it is illegal to harvest for a commercial gain. I fully appreciate this is highly frustrating for local residents as I have to deal with many questions on this. All incidents that I receive are passed onto the Fisheries Department and they deal with each case on its own merit. The Fisheries Department are well aware of the current situation and realise the Glen beach will be affected at low tides. They also monitor the Harbour access points to gather their information. The FD has asked me for any residents with concerns to ring and report any incidents to 101. The local residents often have to deal with movements and torches early in the morning, depending on the time of the tides and are often left with rubbish to clean up. During this time I have been dealing with PCC, Hean Castle Estate and Welsh Water regarding these incidents and Welsh Water at the beginning of September placed a bollard at the top of the path. This is to prevent vehicles blocking the access for anyone who wants access to the beach. I do have regular contact with a few of the residents and any vehicles that are causing a nuisance are reported to the authority and the majority of the time they are booked due to illegal parking.
The dog ban on the main beach finished at the end of September. This year there have been numerous fines given out for breaching the law since it came in on May the 1st. Whilst I welcome areas of the beach that are restricted during the summer period, I do feel that we as an authority could work harder on highlighting the restricted beach, especially if you’re walking from Coppet Hall as an example. I have discussed this in a recent services meeting where I have said that enforcement does work. However, there are genuine cases when individuals are totally unaware of the dog ban especially if they gain access from other points other than the main slipway. I have discussed with PCC that during the period when the lifeguards are in residence, that they are able to put out flags and signage when they put their own flags out which is tide related. I feel there is enough signage on the main slipway, and on the cut through half way down the Strand. I have a meeting walk through planned for October to look at how we can relay this information and try to prevent dogs on the restricted section.
Local Councillors have received a number of concerns regarding the performance of the 381 bus service since it has been taken over by First Cymru. We have also had some concerns regarding the 302 and 349 that are also operated by First Cymru. There have been numerous concerns from local residents that the service isn’t reliable, drivers are unfriendly and that vehicles breakdown. This is being reported to PCC from residents and First Cymru did produce a proposed new timetable to try and elevate the timing issues. However, due to the feedback from service users as part of the consultation, this has not been taken forward. There will be further meetings to try and resolve the issues.
It’s extremely disappointing that First Cymru has not been able to maintain the standard of service we had with the previous provider and the local residents that rely on this service deserve better. These routes are the only way for some of the local residents to get around. Our view as councillors, is that the current service being provided isn’t acceptable and desperately needs to improve to support the wellbeing of residents who heavily rely on this service to get around.
After a four year absence, it was great to have the TenFoot swim back. This is an endurance swim setting off from North Beach, Tenby early on Saturday 7th of September. This is a charity event run by volunteers and the two charities benefitting this year were Guide Dogs for the Blind and MND. Running an event like this and supporting the 200 swimmers isn’t possible without the help of many individuals and organisations. I would like to thank Pembrokeshire Paddlers, Tenby Surf Link, Saundersfoot & Tenby first responders, and the many boat owners, paddle boarders and Kayakers who assisted the safety teams during the swim. The swim was started by Sam Skyme Blackhall representing Tenby Town Council and Nicola Cleevely, Chair of Saundersfoot Community Council. The conditions were excellent and the view looking at Tenby Harbour couldn’t have been better. Thanks also to the Tenby Harbour users for making this possible. All the swimmers finished at Coppet Hall and this was very popular with not only the swimmers, but their supporting families as there was parking and a good vantage point seeing the swimmers coming into range. I would like to thank Hean Castle for their full support in leading up to this event and during the day. The location was excellent and hopefully we will be able to develop this relationship in the years ahead. Saundersfoot Sailing Club provided incredible support and I’m so grateful to have their experience out on the water supporting the swimmers. As they came out of the water they were checked by our medical team before being presented with their medals. This is a gruelling 5.5k swim and it was lovely to see Nicola and Sam in Coppet Hall presenting the medals. Thanks also to the hard working committee who have made this posible. Lastly I would like to thank all our sponsors who ensure that the charities really benefit from this event.
September has had its challenges especially with the recent storms that hit our village. During the month the village has had its road sweeper back which has resulted in the roads in and around the village being maintained. Unfortunately, it had been out of action for some time and Saundersfoot in Bloom volunteers helped out around the village. Over the last two weeks the residents may have noticed the tanker round the village emptying and clearing the drains. I have reported numerous drains over the last few months that residents have highlighted and it appears that the team from PCC caught up with the reported drains around the village. If any resident has any concerns about any drains, please let me know.
I have reported two broken lights on the small tunnel that have now been replaced and it was disappointing to report damage to a light unit on the main tunnel. It appears that this has been vandalised and was soon back in working order within the week of it being reported. I have also reported two potholes on the lower end of the Ridgeway heading into the village, both of these have been repaired previously and both need further attention before they deteriorate further. I also met a resident in Ragged Staff with concerns of a pothole that has been causing problems. I have reported and asked the highways maintenance team to investigate and happy to report that it will be attended to in due course.
Last Sunday my phone never stopped with concerns from local residents over various issues. One of these was the tree at the entrance to Coedrath Park. On inspection a large branch had come down partially blocking the road. I did report the matter immediately and caught up with PCC staff in the village. On inspection and the escalating winds the tree appeared to have a large crack on one of the main limbs of the tree. With the increasing winds it was felt this was highly unsafe and that procedures would be put in place to close the road as the tree was in danger of splitting and falling due to the weather conditions. PCC were unable to cut the tree until the morning when the high winds had dropped. This meant that, due to access and major safety concerns, the school had to shut on Monday. On the Monday morning the damaged tree was quickly sorted and the road was then safely opened. I appreciate this would have been a big inconvenience for many. However, there was only one choice available and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff at PCC who worked during last weekend and cleared up the village on Monday morning. There was also another tree that fell on Westfield Road and this was also seen to very quickly. I think you would all agree that the new path at Brooklands heading towards the Incline is a vast improvement and the feedback from the residents in this vicinity has been very supportive. What hasn’t been so good is the report of one or two vehicles that have been driven up this cycle/walkway. I have reported this to the Highways team and measures are now in place to stop this from happening in the future. There will be fixed bollards in place on this path but unfortunately they haven’t been delivered to date. I have been assured that they will be in place shortly. On October the 3rd, I will be attending Tenby Police station with Ray Wise from Saundersfoot Community Council and Neil Bartholomew from the Christkindle shop in the village. We have a meeting with Michael Llewellyn – Chief Inspector of Pembrokeshire Policing. I have highlighted previously my concerns regarding the lack of a police presence and thought I would update the local residents of any developments. We are there to raise our concerns and how Saundersfoot can forge stronger links on working together as a community. I appreciate that there are many questions that we want to ask and hopefully we can find common ground to move forward together. I would also like to let residents know that Councilor Cormack and I have a meeting on Wednesday 6th of November at the doctor’s surgery. I will say that we are overdue for a meeting but there has been a managerial change at the surgery. I would advise any residents with any queries, please pass them on so we can pass on your comments. It’s important that we give feedback and try to resolve some of the concerns that residents may have. On 19th of September there was a beach litter pick organised by Ecoast supported by Keep Wales Tidy. This was an organised litter pick covering the back of the harbour to Monkstone point. I would also like to thank the unsung heroes who go out on a regular basis picking up litter from out lanes and village centre. There is a strong network of litter picks that cover most areas of the village. I have received a few messages regarding the long grass at the junction at the new Fan Road junction, I fully agree with the comments raised and went up and cut this back myself. I appreciate the team at PCC are exceptionally busy and as I was passing it only took me 2 minutes.
The popular BIG Bang Weekend, will be on 25 to 27 October this year on Saundersfoot Harbour. The funfair on the Friday will start at 2pm. Saturday funfair from 12 noon. FREE Fireworks Display with the mini bang at 6.30pm with the BIG BANG at 8pm. There will also be a funfair on the Sunday from 12 noon.
HALLOWEEN – Children’s disco & Bat Trail. There will be a bat trail around Saundersfoot, which will include a visit to the spooky ship on Saundersfoot Harbour and then back to the Hean Castle Inn Saundersfoot for a hot dog, drink and goodie bag along with a children’s disco. This will be on 31st October starting at 4pm.
The next village litter pick will be on October the 27th, the morning after the BIG BANG. Please meet on the decking at Saundersfoot Harbour at 9am, where equipment will be provided, please wear gloves and everyone welcome to attend.
Saundersfoot Connect together with St Brides Spa Hotel are holding a Coffee & Cake morning at St Brides Spa Hotel on Wednesday 9th of October. 10am to 12pm with entry at £5. This event is to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer Support.
It was great to see that after many months of planning and advice gathering, the Saundersfoot Community Lottery was launched on 1st October.
Following changes in the way grants could be applied for in our Village, a group of volunteers came together to organise a fun way of raising funds whilst having the chance to win a cash prize.
The Lottery details can be viewed on the dedicated websitewww.saundersfootcommunitylotto.org.
The terms and conditions and an application link is available, with standing order forms being held at the Regency Hall. The first monthly draw will be held on 1st of December 2024, with 50% of all the income being distributed as prizes. The other 50% will be used to support village initiatives and award grants for events and projects. This is a great opportunity for everyone who loves our village to support its beating heart, whilst having a chance to win a prize.
Last week I received a call from the Chair of Saundersfoot Community Council, Nicola Cleevely, confirming that she had resigned from her role. In all my dealings with Nicola she has been exemplary and throughout her time as a councillor has always put Saundersfoot first. This is disappointing and very sad for our community to lose such an incredible ambassador for our village.
We recently held a meeting of the Smelt group looking at the introduction of the Coal Trucks project in the village Sensory Garden. It is so refreshing to hold a meeting when all the members turn up and that means that this will be a positive project for the village. Having four members of Saundersfoot Community Council as part of this committee is beneficial and their positive attitude has driven the project forward. Thanks also to the other village groups (Historical Society, SBHRT, Saundersfoot in Bloom, The Friends of Saundersfoot and the Swim directors). The project will enhance an area of the Sensory Garden that is affectionally known as the ‘Jungle’. The heritage groups have got together and started detailing the photos and information that will need to be displayed on signage. The coal trucks have been ordered and we are still working on a timescale so that it’s less impactive on businesses in this vicinity. During the meeting we also discussed planting and how we can create a sea garden while also having plants that can act as a barrier when we get the strong winds coming in from the sea. This project has been a long time in the planning stage and having so many organisations working together is a testimony of the community spirit that Saundersfoot is renowned for.
Saundersfoot has previously been awarded a Gold Medal by Wales in Bloom judges on three occasions, at Beaumaris, Talgarth and Denbigh. This year the award ceremony was at Abergavenny and I am delighted to say that Saundersfoot was awarded its fourth Gold Medal. The best front garden in Wales was awarded to our very own, Jo Balkwill. I am informed that her garden is stunning and a big thank you to Jo as well as her mum, Ann. It doesn’t end there. There were also two individuals awards that were awarded by the judges, with Julie and Martyn, both receiving a Wales in Bloom Champion certificate. I also had the pleasure to attend a recent presentation held at the St Brides Spa Hotel, which was chaired by Keith Williams who has done an incredible job for Saundersfoot In Bloom for the last 40 years. This event was to hand out awards to individual & business gardens across our village. All eyes now turn to Manchester when the Britain in Bloom Award Ceremony will be held on Monday, October 21st. I’m sure all the residents will be keeping their fingers crossed for more success for Saundersfoot.
National Park approval for new Council built homes in Tenby
The detailed planning matters application for the Brynhir housing development in Tenby has been unanimously approved by Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
Tender submission bids for the site’s development were received over the summer and are currently being evaluated, with a Pre-Construction Service agreement anticipated to be awarded in the autumn.
The approved plans include 125 new homes.
The successful contractor will then be required to carry out final works on design, market testing, seek Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Approval Body approval along with other matters before a construction contract is entered with the plan to commence on site late Spring 2025.
Cabinet Member for Housing Cllr Michelle Bateman: “Given the high level of demand for social housing across Pembrokeshire, and in particular the Tenby area, this is an important scheme in our development programme.
“The site will deliver high quality homes for the local area, made up of 93 homes that will be retained by the Council. The remaining will be a mix of open market and shared ownership.
“A local lettings policy will be in place for allocations of the council owned properties with priority given to those with a connection to Tenby and the surrounding villages.
September was a busy month at the harbour. We were really pleased to see the return of the vintage motor bike show to the harbour, and hope that this will become a regular event. We also hosted the first Saunderfeast, with Street food offers and entertainment and the Saundersfoot Triathlon. Thank you to all those who supported the events on the harbour over the summer.
The Big Bang will take place on 25-27th October , which is set to be another great event for all to enjoy.
The boat lifts from the harbour will commence shortly and starting winter maintenance regime on the harbour.
Kind Regards
Cllr Chris Williams
Saundersfoot South